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Tuesday 19 July 2011

TV with an IP!!!!

10 years ago, I was living with my folks still (took a while to cut the apron strings I know).
My humble PIII computer with it's HUGE 17" CRT monitor connected to the world wide web via a Elsa 56k USB modem (which I thought was cool as it was bus powered and sat on top of my tower looking sweet!!).

So my PC was the only device in the house to have an IP address when connected to the internet (well I did have some other PCs that I setup as servers when I was playing with Novell Netware and Windows NT4 server.

A couple of years later and I finally have my own place!! But still I have a PC in the spare room with a BT (manta ray horrible looking) ADSL modem (512k downloading pleasure) and again my PC is the only thing in the house with an IP address.

Today the following devices in my house have an IP address:
  • My laptop that I'm writing this ramble on
  • My media centre PC that stores all my DVDs
  • My Wii console
  • My router (goes without saying really)
  • My mobile phone (wireless and 3G)
  • My TV!!!!!!!
What on earth next!!! My central heating boiler, my fireplace, me settee!!!! My wife :-)

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